My First ever Tteokbokki Experience.

Mr. Kimbob Tteokbokki

Hi Loves!

Alright so it’s been a while since I posted my last blog and honestly I kinda missed writing. It’s just that I have been busy with some stuff lately that I cannot squeeze in blogging on my daily routine. But Hey I’m BACK! And I will do my best to post weekly blogs for all of you! It’s a long weekend here now and I don’t have much thing to do than to watch TV and sleep. So I decided to make it more productive. Today I’m going to share with you loves my very first Ttekbokki experience.

Most of Filipinos now are hooked on these Korean Dramas and went gaga over these handsome Oppas and pretty Unnis. I am not hiding my fondness over Korean dramas but I would say that “ME” being me, I am quiet more interested on their Food. So I went to Google and search for some of the famous food and from there I got to know one famous Korean street food the “Tteokbokki” or Spicy Korean Rice Cake. And OH! I got to see this dish as well on some Korean Dramas I’ve watched. Tteokbokki is actually made from small sized cylinder shaped rice cakes seasoned with chilli paste or soy sauce. Most common ingredients added to the dish are fish cakes, boiled egg and scallions.

With the wide range of Korean restaurants in Manila there’s a lot of place where I can try this dish. But the one that stands-out and my personal choice is “Mr. KIMBOB”.  Well this place is not a fancy Korean Restaurant in fact most of its stalls are located on the malls food court area where most of the people go and eat. Here you get to eat a good Korean inspired meal on a reasonable price. 

The first bite I had with Tteokbokki I can say was very delightful. I fell in love with dish right away. Mr. Kimbob’ Tteokbokki was a mixture of different flavours- sweet, sour, spicy and salty all in a good way. I can’t stop devouring every piece of the rice cakes on my plate. I finished the whole plate in less than 5 minutes, and I literally want more. Hahaha.

To those of you guys who wanted to try Korean foods don’t hesitate giving Tteokbokki a try. I 100% recommend you trying it and definitely just like me you will fall in love with the dish. I am so excited trying more Tteokbokki recipe from other restaurants and I will definitely write something about it. So check on that also.
If you loves has any suggestions on the next Korean dish or any other dish I should try next. Please leave it on the comment box below. And I will surely try my best to document it.
Till my next Blog Loves! Ahn Nyeong Hee Gyea Se Yo!



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