
Showing posts from October, 2017

Fire Noodle Challenge- Tasting the World's Spiciest Noodles

Packaging of the world's spiciest noodles.  Hi Loves! I want to share with you guys my personal experience tasting the spiciest noodle in the world. Okay! The first time that I ever heard of Spicy korean noodle was when I saw a video on YouTube called 'Fire Noodle Challenge". I really got curious of what it's all about so I clicked and saw it's just something about people eating noodles which is said to be the spiciest noodle so far. After the end of the video my reaction was "OKAY?" Is that it? I mean I think the challenge would be easy for me Because being a spicy loving person I think it wouldn't be that special. As I browse I saw there's tons of the same videos and honestly I really cannot understand what's the hype is all about. I have always been a fan of Spicy foods. I love everything about chili. I incorporate this little monster almost to every of my meal. So I had really high hopes for myself that eating anything spicy woul